Im feeling emo today

I have not felt myself today at all.  Very introverted and quiet.  I’ve had a very stressful weekend so far, which I think has a lot to do with my mood. I even spent the day shopping with my mom and a friend and it didn’t help me chill out at all.  The weekends have been hard lately.

I knew today would be a rest day so I should’ve gotten out yesterday and ran, but I just couldnt do it, which also doesnt help my mood.  I’ve just been so exhausted.  Tomorrow’s a new day.

Yesterday’s intake:

Today’s intake:

Today is the first day in over a week that I have gone over my calorie goal.  I knew I probably would because I spent the whole day eating out except for dinner.  Im so proud and so defeated at the same time.  Why isn’t the scale moving?  Im trying to drop my sugar intake and eat more whole food and I think Im doing pretty good at it, but the numbers still aren’t changing like they were a month ago.  Should I up my exercise?  Eat less calories?  Eat more calories?  Im still battling with snacking.  It just sneaks up on me and I give in.  I’m really losing hope that 5 pounds are going to be gone by the 30th.  I just dont see how that’s going to happen unless I starve myself, which isn’t an option. 😦

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